The Stress-Less Solution

Creating a Life of Calm, Clarity, Ease and JOY

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What’s Inside the Program?

Your Stress-Transformation Journey is a step-by-step roadmap with easy to follow action plans and simple & effective practices.

You’ll find;

Step-by step method in an easily accessible Content Hub
Use this library of simple but effective lessons to instantly start improving your clarity and build calm and confidence. 

Weekly Action Tasks & Worksheets
You'll always know exactly what to do next!
This will be invaluable in creating sustainable habits and practices around alleviating chronic stress and acute panic so you can experience greater ease everyday!

Live Coaching & Community Connection Opportunities
Never feel like you’re going through this journey alone!
With weekly group coaching calls, 3 personal coaching calls and the Stress-Less Solution Facebook Community, you can stay accountable and receive ongoing feedback and support.

Over $5000 of content, training, support, accountability and community!  

Practical & Simple Tools to Last a Lifetime!

Stop trying to manage stress…

The constant loop of stress-management techniques keeps us stuck in the stress-cycle!

Let me show you how to break the cycle of stress in your life by transforming your relationship with it!

You’ll learn effective solutions to finally transform your relationship with stress!

Practical and simple tools to last you a lifetime!

Register for my FREE Masterclass


Register for my FREE Masterclass 〰️

A Step-by-Step Approach to LASTING CHANGE

Meet your instructor

Kim Fulton

I know you feel like you’ve already tried it all!

You are tired, overwhelmed and frustrated because, despite your best efforts the stress, anxiety and panic persist.   

I know, because I've been there!

I spent years trying all the things…

But I’ve made it to the other side, and my mission is to help others get there too!

Today, I use my personal experience of how I broke the cycle of stress in my life - and transformed my relationship with it!

I can show you how I healed through my study of Yoga & Ayurveda and used this ancient knowledge to change my life. This is not another stress-management technique. It is life altering.

This is why I’m the go-to Stress Transformation Expert!

“I can’t believe it was that simple! I can do this anytime, any place! It literally feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders!” — B

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