Feeling the August “Vibes”?

August is an "in-between" sort of month! 

August can feel like a wind-down of the summer season.  While we're trying to squeeze out every last drop of this beautiful, warm weather, our thoughts start to move ahead and into the next season.

The shift can be felt all around us, in things like the Back to School campaigns to the changes in the morning/evening light and in the produce that fills our markets and gardens!  Maybe you've even noticed how the wind has changed!!  

All this can leave us feeling unsettled.  There might even be a kind of nervous energy as we want to linger in the more carefree days of summer while feeling the pull towards all that the Fall season brings.  

Ayurveda teaches us that by following the rhythms of nature, we create a strong foundation for optimal health and wellness.  In fact, when we operate outside of these rhythms, we create more strain, effort and STRESS for ourselves that, over time, adds to our accumulated STRESS-STACK.

Aligning to nature's rhythm's can be a little tricky however if we're out of practice. It can feel especially challenging when we're already feeling stressed of out of balance.

So, here are some very simple ideas to make the connection easier;

Try a little GROUNDING.  - This can be a yoga pose, a warm cup of tea, a balancing breath or even a hearty vegetable soup. 

Eat what's in season - Nature knows!  What's in season is in exact alignment with the rhythms of nature.  If we want to balance or harmonize our body, mind, energy and spirit - your local farmer's market is just the ticket!!  

Add Mindfulness/Meditation to your routine!  - Each Monday, I go live on Linked In and my FACEBOOK GROUP for Monday Mid-Day Meditations!  It's free - and I post the recordings for you to access again and again!  During these seasonal transition, not only will it ground you, you will cultivate greater calm, clarity and ease NOW!  

May your August Vibes be that of the cooling breeze, warm sunshine, bountiful fruits and veggies...and JOY!

🙏 Kim


Reflecting and Growing


Understanding Stress